News from NCVA
What we’ve been up to and what’s coming up.
Successful NCVA funding fair attracts 50 community groups
14 funding organisations spoke with more than 50 community groups at the latest funding fair organised by Northumberland Community and Voluntary Action (NCVA). One of…
Bridge Northumberland celebrates success
Nearly 100 people including the leaders of local charities, MPs, councillors gathered at Pleased to Meet You in Morpeth on Friday 21 October to celebrate…
NCVA Hosts Northumberland Illuminated Sheep Art Trail
To celebrate the return of the Lindisfarne Gospels to the North East, the artist Deepa Mann-Kler has produced an art trail of Illuminated Sheep
Adult Safeguarding Essentials – free eLearning course
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility so we’re pleased to be able to offer our latest eLearning course on Elements training portal completely free of charge to…
UK Shared Prosperity Fund – Principles for partnership with voluntary and specialist organisations
The following principles for delivering the UKSPF have been developed by a coalition of thirty-two voluntary and specialist organisations. They are intended to support the…