Project Planning
Planning a community project properly is vital. Without proper planning, monitoring and evaluation your project is at risk of failure. Click here to download.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Monitoring and evaluating projects and services helps organisations show that they have achieved what they set out to do. Click here to download.
Organising a Community Event
It takes a great deal of planning, organisation, and preparation to hold a successful community event. This factsheet gives an overview of any laws or licences you need to be aware of when planning your event. Click here to download.
30 things to think about when planning a community event
Organising a successful event is really all about good planning and taking sensible precautions where necessary. This fact sheets offers 30 tips to make planning your community event a success. Click here to download.
Using Zoom Meeting Facilities
There are many potential advantages to using Zoom, or similar online video conferencing tools to run meetings. Click here to download.