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Join NCVA - you're in the right place!

Great – you want your organisation to join NCVA. Let’s get started.


First, you might already know that your organisation is eligible: you have to be based or active in Northumberland and a not for profit body. That covers most community groups, voluntary groups, local charities and clubs. Organisations like community interest companies, social enterprises and local councils can join as associate members.

If you want to check eligibility more closely then have a look at our guide here before you complete the form.


Joining NCVA is free. And there’s no catch – but we would like a little bit of help.

NCVA conducts surveys of its members to ensure that we can be a voice effective voice for community and voluntary organisations, and to get the information we need to meet the needs of our members more effectively.

So in return for a FREE membership subscription we ask every organisation to take part so the picture we get is clear. We make it easy for every organisation to take part – and we are always grateful for your contribution.

So let’s get on with it.

Organisations need to agree to support the aims and objectives for NCVA – you can read them here and they are not exactly controversial – but make sure you have the authority to agree to them.

You will need a primary contact for your organisation – the person who will be the main contact for NCVA and will have information mailed to them. They will be the person asked to keep your membership information up-to-date and to complete our surveys (though of course they can delegate these things – but they will get the emails).

Choose the right form

There are two membership forms – it’s pretty obvious which you will want:

One is for organisations that are already established and operating.

The other is for new groups wanting to set up and who would like NCVA help:

What happens next?

Once your form has gone in we take a look at it, check your organisation’s eligibility (which is usually a formality) and get back to you.

Thank you for your interest in joining NCVA.

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