Helping people improve skills and job prospects
NCVA has been involved in projects aimed at improving the employment prospects of people in Northumberland since 1995. We have worked with partners across the County and developed approaches to the difficulties faced by individuals with person-centred approaches. We have brought our expertise of using volunteering as a means to gain skills and experience.
This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund with the North East Combined Authority as the Lead Authority. Providing valuable help to out-of-work residents in Northumberland who are looking to progress and improve life skills. The guiding principle of Solid Foundations is recognising the barriers people face. We believe that to give individuals a real chance to progress in life these barriers must be removed.
Improving the skills and job prospects of people in Northumberland is central to NCVA’s work. The Northumberland Employability Network brings together organisations delivering services in this field to share experiences and build links.