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Health & Wellbeing Network

A partnership to impact health and wellbeing

Logo of Northumberland VCSE Health and Wellbeing Network

The Northumberland VCFSE Health and Wellbeing Network is a new partnership bringing together individuals, community and voluntary groups to share information, experience and good practice and link with statutory services in the county.

The Network provides a forum for organisations and individual working or active within health and wellbeing to raise issues, concerns and priorities.

It is an opportunity to disseminate and share relevant information to increase understanding of strategic health reforms and the implications these have on the voluntary and community sector. We also welcome the involvement of statutory partners, as it is important to forge partnerships beyond the VCSE sector.

Audience and presenter at the Northumberland Health and Wellbeing conference

The network held its well attended founding conference (above) at Stannington with the involvement of NHS and VCFSE bodies. The conference report can be downloaded here. The report contains links to the conference presentations, workshop summary, and workshop notes.

Being a part of the VCFSE Health & Wellbeing Network will help your organisation build links with other organisations delivering health and social care services and organisations working in local communities who have an interest in health and social care. It is an opportunity to find out what is going on, who is doing what, where and when. The information sharing will enable organisations to understand the bigger picture outside their organisation, find opportunities to work together and offer/receive support to/from each other.

Strategic pathways will be used to ensure that the voices of the VCSE are heard, acknowledged, and acted upon. These pathways enable information to flow from the VCSE to statutory bodies. It is an opportunity for the VCSE sector to come to consensus on the issues facing the sector and influence decision makers.

If you would like to become a member of the VCFSE Health & Wellbeing Network or if you would like further information, please contact NCVA by email

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