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Starting up Community Groups

Getting your group started

Have you identified a need in your area because of a gap in services or activities? Are you one of a group of like-minded people who share a vision to improve an area? Or perhaps you have identified an area where some individuals are feeling isolated or need extra support.

Setting up a new group involves a variety of tasks and so there are several things you will need to consider. The more aware you are of all you need to do, the easier the tasks will be. Click here to download.

Thirty questions to ask when thinking about setting up a new community group

A great checklist of the things you might need to ask (at least of yourself). Click here to download.

Who can be a Trustee?

Not every community group needs Trustees – but every Charity does. Trustees have overall control of a charity and are responsible for making sure it’s doing what it was set up to do. There are certain legal requirements governing who can and who can’t be a trustee. Click here to download.

Legal Structures

When an organisation is formally established it will adopt a governing document or set of rules This governing document is the legal document which represents the rules for the way your organisation will operate. Click here to download.

Charitable Status

Is charitable status the right way for your group? There are different forms of charity and ruless that are common to all charities. Click here to download.

Roles & Responsibilities of Management Committees and Trustees

Voluntary and community organisations have a committee that is responsible for carrying out the day-to-day running and the steering of the organisation as its governing body.

Management Committee Members & Trustees have overall responsibility for meeting the organisation’s legal duties, ensuring it is properly managed, and for promoting good practice in all its activities. Click here to download.

NCVA Example Constitution (Governing Document)

An example ‘template’ constitution with the essential clauses to be to be adapted to the needs of a new organisation. Click here to download example.

The constitution template is also available here as a blank Word Document without NCVA banding. Click here to download Word Document.

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