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Alnwick & District Mencap

We organise monthly social events such as Discos, Bowling, Theatre and Bus Trips for Adults with Learning Disabilities across Northumberland. The role involves organising and supporting these events. (Most members come with their own support).

While experience of working with people with a Learning Disability would be an advantage, it is not a necessity, as support would be available to help a volunteer settle into the role. IT skills would be an advantage. An Enhanced DBS Certificate would be required.

We are in need of a prospective Chair, Treasurer and Secretary as these current trustees are stepping down at the end of this year.

The role is rewarding and enjoyable, and not particularly onerous as regards time.


Voluntary Role. Expenses would be negotiable.

Hours, terms and expectations

In addition to supporting events, Trustee meetings (of 1-2 hours) have been taking place approximately every 2 months for planning and evaluation. For the past few years we have found that planning for the whole year helps members and their carers with their busy lives.


Trustees at present come from Alnwick area.

Closing Date

By end of October, if possible.

How to Apply

Please phone Diana Hogg, ( Secretary, Alnwick & District Mencap ) (07398123690).

More information

Please phone Diana Hogg, ( Secretary, Alnwick & District Mencap ) 07398123690).

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